Environmental Sustainability
Lavan is committed to minimising the Firm’s impact on the natural environment and to supporting environmental sustainability.
We recognise we can make a difference in achieving long term environmental sustainability by reducing our carbon footprint and impact on climate change.
Lavan’s environmental initiatives are a continual and evolving process and include the following:
- Lavan is a signatory of CitySwitch Green Office, which is a select group of leading organisations who acknowledge that climate change is a serious issue and greenhouse gas emissions from commercial buildings contribute to this global concern. A visible demonstration of the firm’s commitment is Lavan’s participation in Earth Hour each year.
- A move to a paperless office. Considerable progress has been made towards this goal with paper based matter files being replaced by electronic ones. One of the many benefits of using electronic files is that people do not need to go to the office to access them, which reduces travel and associated carbon emissions.
- The single largest source of our carbon emissions is electricity consumption. Our goal is to reduce electricity based emissions through efficient use of power. This is monitored by checking monthly meter readings for each work area and by an annual NABERS audit.
- Energy efficient T5 lighting system has been fitted across the Lavan tenancy which automatically turns lights off when people leave the office.
- All office equipment has a four star energy rating or above.
- LED computer screens with a Gold EPEAT rating are used across the firm.
- All servers are virtualised and desktop PCs have been replaced with low energy consumption thin clients.
- Cloud based “as a service” systems are being used wherever practical. Our cloud based providers use the latest systems and techniques to minimise electricity consumption.
- Old computer and telephone equipment is donated to charities for recycling.
- Recycling bins for plastic, aluminium and glass are provided in convenient locations around the office and paper recycling bins are located in all offices and workstations.
- A system has been put in place to limit the wastage of food.
- Lavan is vigilant in ensuring, to the extent possible, our purchasing requirements are met by reputable Western Australian companies whose workplace practices, including their environmental focus, are well known and verifiable.
- Lavan diligently sources environmentally friendly products. We will continually talk to our suppliers about their focus on sustainability and seek opportunities to work with them in ways that can integrate sustainability into our procurement processes. For example biodegradable products and water saver taps are used in kitchens.
- We invite our suppliers to provide feedback into our supply chain practices.
- We will not brief any person or organisation which has any known workplace practices which are not of the highest standard.
- Lavan complies with all relevant environmental legislation and will continue to measure its impact on the environment and set targets for ongoing improvement.
This is reviewed annually to assess achievements and to monitor progress.
Please click here to read Lavan's Environmental Sustainability policy.