Cabinet re-shuffle

21 March 2013 saw the swearing in of the re-elected state government’s new Cabinet. Relevantly to the planning and environment sector, the new Cabinet includes the following new faces:

  • Hon Albert Jacob MLA, new Minister for Environment and Heritage, is a 33 year old trained architect and proud Christian from the Joondalup area.

  • Hon Ken Baston MLC, new Minister for Agriculture and Food, represents the Mining and Pastoral Region, grew up on a sheep station near Carnarvon and has an agricultural background.

  • Hon Tony Simpson MLA, member for Darling Range, becomes the new Minister for Local Government.  Tony is a father of two daughters, is passionate about the concerns of the average Joe and used to be a baker in Byford.

In addition, the following Ministers who served in the previous term have changed or added to their previous portfolios:

  • Hon Bill Marmion MLA moves to Mines and Petroleum, as well as Housing; and

  • Hon Troy Buswell MLA adds Fisheries to Transport and Treasury.

Relevantly, Hon John Day MLA remains the Minister for Planning and also assumes the role of Leader of the House in the Legislative Assembly.

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