Planning & Environment Updates
Planning & Environment Updates
10 May 2024
Planning Codes
Planning & Environment Updates
29 February 2024
Significant And Imminent Changes To Planning Regulation In Western Australia
Planning & Environment Updates
07 February 2024
An Update On The Aboriginal Heritage Act Regime
Planning & Environment Updates
16 November 2023
Islands In The Living Stream
Planning & Environment Updates
20 July 2023
The Fantasy Of Exempt Development
Planning & Environment Updates
07 July 2023
An Update On The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act
Planning & Environment Updates
02 June 2023
A Whole New (Cultural) World…Are You Ready?
Planning & Environment Updates
18 April 2023
SAT Rules On Flexibility Under R-Codes To Vary Minimum Lot Sizes
Planning & Environment Updates
28 February 2023
Section 214 of the PD Act - What do you do if you receive a stop work order or a pull down order from local government?
Planning & Environment Updates
07 October 2022
Noongar Standard Heritage Agreements - Why Do They Exist And What Do They Do?
Planning & Environment Updates
03 May 2022
Supreme Court tightens the screws on judicial review limitation periods
Planning & Environment Updates
01 March 2022
SAT hands down important ruling on reconsideration and revocation
Planning & Environment Updates
05 November 2021
Costing The Earth – The Price Of Environmental Assessment
Planning & Environment Updates
01 September 2021
Case update – City of Swan v All Earth Group Pty Ltd [2021] WASC 279
Planning & Environment Updates
14 July 2021
Future referrals process for clearing of native vegetation
Planning & Environment Updates
02 June 2021
Can zoning objectives be applied flexibly?
Planning & Environment Updates
06 May 2021
Section 159 of the Planning and Development Act – when can a claim be made and what is actually recoverable?
Planning & Environment Updates
08 March 2021
Community Titles -  a planning perspective
Planning & Environment Updates
15 February 2021
Recent updates to the EP Act
Planning & Environment Updates
15 January 2021
New planning regulations – development approval for an X use?
Planning & Environment Updates
02 December 2020
Amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) - likely significant impacts on owners and developers
Planning & Environment Updates
17 November 2020
Valuation FAQs
Planning & Environment Updates
17 November 2020
Legal FAQs
Planning & Environment Updates
05 November 2020
First SDAU development approval granted
Planning & Environment Updates
26 October 2020
Compensation on ‘just terms’ for land owners
Planning & Environment Updates
21 September 2020
Aboriginal heritage – significant changes are coming
Planning & Environment Updates
20 August 2020
New planning laws are coming to the Swan Valley
Planning & Environment Updates
03 August 2020
A guide to the new WAPC development assessment pathway
Planning & Environment Updates
08 July 2020
Significant planning reforms are now law
Planning & Environment Updates
30 June 2020
Planning reform for significant developments - JDAP or WAPC?
Planning & Environment Updates
19 June 2020
Supreme Court decision reinforces the importance of correct land use classification
Planning & Environment Updates
03 June 2020
Planning reform for major projects – will it actually get shovels in the dirt any faster?
Planning & Environment Updates
26 May 2020
Proposed changes to the Environmental Protection Act 1986(WA) – Part IV and Part V
Planning & Environment Updates
21 April 2020
Environment Law and Covid-19
Planning & Environment Updates
20 April 2020
Minister grants emergency exemptions to planning requirements
Planning & Environment Updates
06 April 2020
Emergency planning exemptions – do they apply to commercial development?
Planning & Environment Updates
01 April 2020
Protecting your planning rights in the days of coronavirus
Planning & Environment Updates
30 March 2020
Planning and development matters - COVID-19 arrangements
Planning & Environment Updates
24 March 2020
Planning Approval Conditions
Planning & Environment Updates
09 March 2020
Local Planning Policies – Friend or Foe?
Planning & Environment Updates
12 December 2019
Development in bushfire prone areas - SAT adopts flexible application of State Planning Policy 3.7
Planning & Environment Updates
28 October 2019
SAT takes a position on Airbnb
Planning & Environment Updates
19 September 2019
The potential for conflict between decisions of a JDAP and Main Roads WA
Planning & Environment Updates
19 August 2019
SAT rules on the mechanics of adopting structure plans
Planning & Environment Updates
24 July 2019
The Court’s discretion to refuse relief: Sanders v City of South Perth
Planning & Environment Updates
20 June 2019
What exactly are the “R-Codes” in the post-Design WA landscape?
Planning & Environment Updates
10 June 2019
Challenges to Public Open Space Conditions in Subdivision applications – recent decisions
Planning & Environment Updates
15 May 2019
The importance of land ownership to development applications
Planning & Environment Updates
21 November 2018
Conditions of subdivision approval requiring reserved land to be ceded free of cost – can they be challenged?
Planning & Environment Updates
25 October 2018
Structure plans and compensation for injurious affection – liability for local governments
Planning & Environment Updates
19 September 2018
Free (super)market economics – the SAT rules in favour of retail competition
Planning & Environment Updates
28 August 2018
The power of SAT in the extension of Building Permits
Planning & Environment Updates
01 August 2018
The importance of using appropriately qualified and experienced experts on appeal
Planning & Environment Updates
21 June 2018
SAT strikes out condition purporting to require a monetary contribution
Planning & Environment Updates
11 June 2018
Accrued Rights in SAT proceedings – Puma case confirmed
Planning & Environment Updates
26 April 2018
When rejected settlement offers operate against a claimant in the State Administrative Tribunal
Planning & Environment Updates
21 March 2018
The sky is the limit – the Court of Appeal rules in favour of unlimited building height
Planning & Environment Updates
01 March 2018
Update on ability to recycle construction and demolition waste
Planning & Environment Updates
28 February 2018
Access to roads under the control of Main Roads WA
Planning & Environment Updates
07 November 2017
The SAT rules on extending development approvals in a Development Assessment Panels context
Planning & Environment Updates
26 October 2017
An important “notification” in relation to development approvals
Planning & Environment Updates
28 September 2017
The weight to be applied to the R-Codes under the Deemed Provisions
Planning & Environment Updates
03 August 2017
Costs can be awarded in SAT
Planning & Environment Updates
19 July 2017
Has the SAT limited the opportunities for appealing conditions of subdivision approval?
Planning & Environment Updates
30 June 2017
Limitations of powers of Contaminated Sites Committee
Planning & Environment Updates
29 May 2017
The definition of waste confirmed
Planning & Environment Updates
20 April 2017
Supreme Court Cases on Planning Offences
Planning & Environment Updates
03 April 2017
Can a structure plan reserve land?
Planning & Environment Updates
08 February 2017
Majority of High Court finds against Western Australian landowners in compensation case
Planning & Environment Updates
24 January 2017
Roe 9 – is the government allowed to build a tunnel under my property?
Planning & Environment Updates
12 December 2016
Clarification of the Temwood Principle
Planning & Environment Updates
08 November 2016
Potential Changes to the Residential Design Codes
Planning & Environment Updates
08 November 2016
Revision of Developer Contribution Requirements – Draft State Planning Policy 3.6
Planning & Environment Updates
06 October 2016
Potential new legislation governing heritage listed land in Western Australia
Planning & Environment Updates
06 October 2016
Biodiversity Conservation Bill 2015 (WA) becomes law
Planning & Environment Updates
06 October 2016
Banksia Woodlands - their impact on developments since becoming an ‘endangered ecological community’
Planning & Environment Updates
13 September 2016
Does a claim for compensation for injurious affection arise under a local structure plan?
Planning & Environment Updates
13 September 2016
Major compensation claim goes to High Court
Planning & Environment Updates
12 September 2016
Establishing “standing” is no longer a legal prerequisite to quashing a governmental decision in the Supreme Court
Planning & Environment Updates
03 August 2016
The Roe 8 appeal – what does it all mean for the validity of environmental and planning approvals?
Planning & Environment Updates
05 July 2016
Clearing conditions of subdivision approval in stages
Planning & Environment Updates
24 May 2016
Reviewing the Environmental Protection Authority
Planning & Environment Updates
24 May 2016
Newsflash: Changes to SAT procedure
Planning & Environment Updates
02 May 2016
Update: Nambeelup’s new Industrial Area District Structure Plan has been released!
Planning & Environment Updates
02 May 2016
Call for submissions on the East Wanneroo Structure Plan
Planning & Environment Updates
02 May 2016
Puma Energy Australia and City of Cockburn [2016] WASAT 36
Planning & Environment Updates
13 April 2016
Q&A for Court of Appeal decision in Southregal and Leith (Western Australian Planning Commission v Southregal Pty Ltd and others)
Planning & Environment Updates
17 March 2016
Clean fill deposited on a development site creates potential liability to pay the Landfill Levy
Planning & Environment Updates
24 February 2016
Unsolicited bids guideline released
Planning & Environment Updates
22 January 2016
Perth and Peel Green Growth Plan for 3.5 million
Planning & Environment Updates
21 January 2016
Supreme Court clarifies the availability of judicial review
Planning & Environment Updates
29 October 2015
Newsflash! Every local planning scheme in WA amended
Planning & Environment Updates
30 September 2015
Structure Plans in Limbo – New Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015
Planning & Environment Updates
25 August 2015
Application of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972
Planning & Environment Updates
24 June 2015
The exercise of discretion
Planning & Environment Updates
28 May 2015
Planning for a population of 3.5 million
Planning & Environment Updates
29 April 2015
Planning prosecutions - clarifying the time limit on commencing prosecution
Planning & Environment Updates
17 March 2015
Review of the Contaminated Sites Act 2003
Planning & Environment Updates
28 January 2015
Recent developments
Planning & Environment Updates
09 January 2015
Court affirms owners' rights to claim compensation over reserved land
Planning & Environment Updates
26 November 2014
Overhaul of the planning system – proposed new draft Regulations
Planning & Environment Updates
31 October 2014
Seriously entertained planning proposals
Planning & Environment Updates
24 September 2014
Drinking and DA’s don’t always mix!
Planning & Environment Updates
27 August 2014
Carbone Tax – Is a developer contribution a tax or a financial impost?
Planning & Environment Updates
07 August 2014
Land compensation law in relation to subsequent owners
Planning & Environment Updates
25 June 2014
State Planning Strategy 2050
Planning & Environment Updates
25 June 2014
Restructure at the State Administrative Tribunal
Planning & Environment Updates
29 May 2014
“Adjoining land” in the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA)
Planning & Environment Updates
14 May 2014
Match Group: subject to Macri-analysis
Planning & Environment Updates
02 May 2014
Major Changes - Planning for Bushfire Risk Management
Planning & Environment Updates
30 April 2014
Proposed amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950
Planning & Environment Updates
30 April 2014
WAPC - Peel Region Scheme – Boating Facilities Policy
Planning & Environment Updates
30 April 2014
Swan Coastal Plain South – Draft Management Plan 2014
Planning & Environment Updates
26 March 2014
Game, SAT and Match
Planning & Environment Updates
26 February 2014
A legal solution to the future of outdoor music festivals in WA?
Planning & Environment Updates
29 January 2014
Changes announced to the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004
Planning & Environment Updates
20 November 2013
Resolving strata title issues in the State Administrative Tribunal
Planning & Environment Updates
18 October 2013
Planning provisions for affordable housing
Planning & Environment Updates
25 September 2013
The judicial reception to telephone tower challenges – not having a bar of it
Planning & Environment Updates
23 September 2013
Planning makes it happen: phase two
Planning & Environment Updates
27 August 2013
Local government amalgamations – opportunity for development?
Planning & Environment Updates
20 August 2013
James Price Point decision – EPA approvals process runs out of gas
Planning & Environment Updates
29 July 2013
Environmental prosecutions: guidance on expert evidence from the Kyluk decision
Planning & Environment Updates
20 June 2013
DEC – changes to machinery of government
Planning & Environment Updates
20 June 2013
R-Codes update
Planning & Environment Updates
22 May 2013
Local government role in SAT proceedings involving DAPs
Planning & Environment Updates
22 May 2013
Activity Centres and out of centre development
Planning & Environment Updates
24 April 2013
Strategic assessment under the EPBC Act
Planning & Environment Updates
26 March 2013
Cabinet re-shuffle
Planning & Environment Updates
26 March 2013
Happy days are here again – bringing back the Fonz
Planning & Environment Updates
06 March 2013
The status of coastal planning in Western Australia
Planning & Environment Updates
06 March 2013
Environmental Protection Authority approves first “derived proposal” under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)
Planning & Environment Updates
22 November 2012
Carnaby’s Cockatoo Recovery Plan
Planning & Environment Updates
25 September 2012
WAPC Structure Plan Preparation Guidelines
Planning & Environment Updates
24 September 2012
WAPC Basic Raw Materials, Demand and Supply Study for the Bunbury-Busselton Region
Planning & Environment Updates
17 August 2012
Proposed Commonwealth Marine Reserves Network
Planning & Environment Updates
15 August 2012
Government Sewerage Policy – consultation draft
Planning & Environment Updates
03 April 2012
The Building Act
Planning & Environment Updates
23 March 2012
The Clean Technology Investment Program – why being environmentally friendly is now financially friendly
Planning & Environment Updates
20 March 2012
LA News Autumn Edition 2012
Planning & Environment Updates
23 February 2012
Contaminated sites - should I report?
Planning & Environment Updates
23 December 2011
Contaminated land - risk to lenders?
Planning & Environment Updates
21 December 2011
LA News Summer Edition 2011/2012
Planning & Environment Updates
23 November 2011
New WA Environmental Offsets Policy
Planning & Environment Updates
04 November 2011
Carbon Tax – implications for the property industry
Planning & Environment Updates
22 September 2011
Introduction of strategic assessment of West Australia’s Perth and Peel regions
Planning & Environment Updates
13 September 2011
LA News Spring Edition 2011
Planning & Environment Updates
27 July 2011
New mine closure plan guidelines – effective 1 July 2011
Planning & Environment Updates
20 July 2011
Cockatoo Guidelines released for public comment
Planning & Environment Updates
16 June 2011
Petrol stations, property development and hidden liabilities
Planning & Environment Updates
10 June 2011
LA News Winter Edition 2011
Planning & Environment Updates
23 May 2011
Incorporating domestic wind turbines into residential development
Planning & Environment Updates
22 April 2011
Transferring responsibility to remediate a contaminated site
Planning & Environment Updates
26 March 2011
Environmental Impact Assessment - is it necessary?
Planning & Environment Updates
14 March 2011
La News Autumn Edition 2011
Planning & Environment Updates
18 February 2011
Mining - to clear or not to clear, that is the question?
Planning & Environment Updates
22 December 2010
LA News Summer Edition 2010/2011
Planning & Environment Updates
24 November 2010
Latest developments - Review of Environmental Impact Assessment process
Planning & Environment Updates
15 October 2010
Mining Environmental Bonds Review
Planning & Environment Updates
30 September 2010
LA News Spring Edition 2010
Planning & Environment Updates
17 September 2010
Health Risk Assessment Guidelines
Planning & Environment Updates
20 August 2010
The Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Bill amendments
Planning & Environment Updates
16 July 2010
Protect yourself - legal professional privilege and the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
Planning & Environment Updates
28 June 2010
LA News Winter Edition 2010
Planning & Environment Updates
18 June 2010
Western Australia's Water Reform - South West regional water plan
Planning & Environment Updates
21 May 2010
Federal environment reform
Planning & Environment Updates
16 April 2010
Carbon capture and storage - committing to EPA conditions
Planning & Environment Updates
29 March 2010
LA News Autumn Edition 2010
Planning & Environment Updates
19 March 2010
Water Reform Update
Planning & Environment Updates
19 February 2010
Climate change - post Copenhagen
Planning & Environment Updates
30 November 2009
LA News Summer Edition 2009
Planning & Environment Updates
28 November 2009
A review of the environmental approval processes in Western Australia
Planning & Environment Updates
21 September 2009
LA News Spring Edition 2009
Planning & Environment Updates
18 September 2009
Legal Professional Privilege – A Valuable Asset
Planning & Environment Updates
07 August 2009
LA News Winter Edition 2009
Planning & Environment Updates
07 July 2009
Should I report?
Planning & Environment Updates
01 May 2009
La News Autumn Edition 2009