Licensed venues are obliged to maintain an Incident Register in the form approved by the Director of Liquor Licensing.

Licensees wishing to use their own style or format need to get it approved by the Director of Liquor Licensing.

Some examples of the types of incidents that are required to be recorded in the Incident Register are:

  • A person is refused entry because they are drunk.
  • A person is required to leave or is removed from the premises.
  • A document produced by someone as evidence of age is suspected to be false, forged or counterfeit.
  • A person is injured on the licensed premises.
  • Someone complains to the licensee, an approved manager or an employee about the business conducted under the licence.

The above list is not exhaustive of all incidents that are required to be recorded.

Failing to maintain the Incident Register, or failing to produce the Incident Register in proper format to an authorised officer (police officer or licensing inspector) when requested to do so, may result in a fine up to $5,000 and record of infringement.

The Incident Register form currently approved by the Director of Liquor Licensing can be found here.