Are you registered to provide supports under the NDIS?

The Hon Bill Shorten MP today released a statement (full statement here) concerning the registration of providers.  While the government is yet to announce exactly which organisations will be required to be registered under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) (NDIS Act), the statement confirmed that all Supported Independent Living (SIL) providers will be required to be registered under the NDIS Act.

Given the nature of SIL supports and the findings of the recent Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and NDIS Review, this is not surprising.  SIL supports usually involve high intensity services to some of the most vulnerable people, delivered outside of the scrutiny of other organisations and people.

Consultation on the new rules to enforce this change begins in October, providers can safely assume these will be concluded rapidly. 

While there will be a transition period, providers who deliver SIL supports and are not registered should begin preparing for registration immediately.  The process of registration is not a ‘tick and flick’ exercise.  Large amounts of time and resources will be required to meet the expectations of the NDIS Commission and succeed with registration, organisations can begin laying the groundwork for this process today. To discuss alternative options for your organisation or for support around steps required to move towards registration please contact Amber Crosthwaite on 0400 143 677 or email