To mark its 30 year anniversary, I was asked by Business News, to look at the evolution of the Disability services in the past 30 years. There is no doubt they have come a long way.

Driven by the civil rights movement in the 70s, we have witnessed significant advancements, with the adoption of community-based care models in the 80s (moving away from asylums and other institutions) and the gradual recognition of the importance of individualised and localised support (led by WA).

The introduction of the NDIS was another game-changer, implementing a ‘rights-based’ scheme and bringing with it the promise of increased choice, control, and tailored support.

However, while we celebrate these positive changes, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges that persist. Concerns about the cost and sustainability of the NDIS are valid and continue to be raised.

We must engage in open discussions NDIS sustainability and the importance of delivering on a rights-based disability service model that is embeds itself in local communities. We must find a solution that builds on the gains made in the past three decades.

Let’s not hide behind inadequately funded schemes that talk about ‘rights’ but are set up for failure. Instead, let’s work together to confront the realities and embrace them as an opportunity to shape a brighter future for individuals with disabilities.

You can find out more on this in link below. Just head to page 105. (Please note that this is behind a paywall and requires a Business News subscription to read in full).

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