The Hospitality Messenger

Special Edition No.5

The Hospitality Messenger is very conscious of WA’s liquor, hospitality, event and tourism industries being hit hard by the current COVID-19 situation and is committed to providing as much support as possible.


The Hospitality Messenger has received many questions around the new temporary occasional licence introduced last week by the Director of Liquor Licensing which permits take-away liquor sales for licensees not usually permitted to sell packaged liquor.  Here are some of those questions and the answers:

Q:  What licence types are eligible to apply for a temporary occasional take-away licence?

     A: Restaurant, small bar, tavern restricted, hotel restricted, club restricted (members only) and special facility caterer licences.

Q: How much liquor can be sold/supplied under the new licence?

     A: 1 bottle of wine and 1x6 pack of beer, cider or premixed spirits (or combination of) per order.

Q: When can packaged liquor be sold under this licence?

     A: Only between midday and midnight.

Q: Does the liquor have to be sold with a meal?

     A: Yes, a meal that is part of the same order.  The liquor is to be ancillary to the meal.

Q: How do I apply for one of these licences?

     A: Just complete the required form which can be obtained from the licensing authority’s website here and then email the completed form to

Q: How much will it cost and how long will it take to be approved?

     A: There is no application fee.  If approved, you will be notified soon after lodging – probably the same day.  An occasional licence will then be issued.

Q: How long will the licence last?

     A: Up to six months.  Maybe only one month initially and then an extension may be needed.

Q: Do I have to worry about the actual delivery part?

     A: Yes. Ensure compliance with responsible service of the liquor including checking for valid ID of the recipient.  Secondary supply laws can apply.  

If you have further queries about the new temporary occasional licence please contact us.  Or call the licensing authority’s hotline on 6551 4904 or at

2020 annual licence renewal fees – WAIVED!  

Fees already paid will be refunded.  For more information see here.


Changes have been made to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010 in an effort to assist businesses dealing with the impact of COVID-19. 

These changes were effective from 24 March 2020, expire in three months and result in the following changes:

  • Employees can work across classifications and duties, providing they have the correct qualifications, such as RSA certification.
  • Full-time employees can work an average of 22.8 to 38 ordinary hours per week, as directed by their employer, while part-time workers can work an average 60% of their guaranteed weekly hours.
  • Employers can direct employees to take annual leave upon 24 hours' notice.
  • Employers and employees can agree to employees taking twice their annual leave amount at half the pay rate of pay.

Employers need to consult with their employees and the UWU, if they are members, over the introduction of any of the above changes.

If you have any questions about the changes and how they may affect your business, please contact us.

Financial Health Check

Could you benefit from a financial health check or stress test of cash flow forecasts? Do you have questions around business solvency?  Lavan has had a long relationship with firm, McGrathNicol, which has expertise on these and related issues.  Click here for a summary of McGrathNicol’s services and contacts that are especially relevant for the hospitality industry now.

Lavan’s COVID-19 Information and Connectivity Hub to assist the hospitality industry

Protecting planning rights – click here

Contractual issues – click here

Employment – click here

Stimulus packages – click here


Disclaimer – the information contained in this publication does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. You should seek legal advice in relation to any particular matter you may have before relying or acting on this information. The Lavan team are here to assist.